Živim v Kranju, delujem kot zakonski in družinski terapevt in fotograf. S fotografijo sem se resneje pričel ukvarjati leta 2008. Konec leta 2010 sem poslal prvo fotografijo na natečaj in v manj kot dveh letih v 25 državah dobil preko 80 nagrad za 32 fotografij. Petkrat sem prejel priznanje za najboljšega avtorja na mednarodnem salonu.
Leta 2011 sem bil Fotograf leta v Sloveniji. Fotografije oziroma članke so mi objavili v zbornikih najboljših fotografij 1x.com za 2011, 2012 in 2014 ter v revijah Nphoto, Como la hice, Museum of modern art, Stark Magazine, JC&A Elite, IM Magazine, Shutterstoppers, IZ fotografevi, Eprawda …
Sodeloval sem na več skupinskih razstavah v tujini ter imel preko 15 samostojnih razstav v Sloveniji. Navdih črpam predvsem na potovanjih, s katerih prinašam portrete ter impresije pokrajin in mest. Blizu so mi tudi konceptualna, razpoloženjska in poulična fotografija.
I am living in Kranj, Slovenia. My first attempts in photography date back to 2005 and since 2008 photography has become my playground, my way of seeing the world around me. In September 2010 I sent my first photo to photo salon. In only two years I collected over 80 awards in 25 countries, five times I received an award as the “Best author”. I was Exhibitor of the year 2011 in Slovenia. My photos and articles were published in 1x.com Yearbook for 2011, 2012 and 2014, Nphoto, Como la hice, Museum of modern art, Stark Magazine, JC&A Elite, IM Magazine, Shutterstoppers, IZ fotografevi, Eprawda …
I have also participated in club exhibitions in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and France and have hold over 15 solo exhibitions in Slovenia. Most exhibits and award-winning photographs are in the field of traveler, landscape and nature photography. I am focusing also to the conceptual, mood and street photography.